
Type : On Sale
Condition : Brand New
Location : Makola, Ghana

Thank you for Connecting Legendary Group Of Companies…GODFIRST…[We Deal in All kinds of Home Appliances and kitchenwares ,AIR CONDITIONER ,SEWING MACHINES,BLENDERS ,RICE COOKERS,ELECTRIC IRON,MICROWAVE OVEN,GAS COOKER,ELECTRIC STOVES,NONSTICK COOKWARES,ALUMINUM SILVERS,CAKE MIXERS,REFRIGERATORS AND DEEP FREEZERS+Many more etc..-]Please let us know how we can help you. Call or WhatsApp us. Located at makola shopping mall opposite GEORGINA Stores ACCRA We do Nationwide Delivery Terms and Conditions Apply:(Outside ACCRA is Payment Before Delivery) and

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal!



Makola, Ghana
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NB. Observe the following when dealing with your seller:

  1. Locate the office or shop of your seller and transact business with him/her there.
  2. Make sure you are purchasing the item displayed on the site.
  3. Make sure you take a receipt from him/her after business.
  4. If he/she is your trusted customer, you can pay him and let him deliver the items/goods using your preferred courier service. 
  5. If a seller deals are not genuine or suspicious as you try transacting business with him within your locality, let us know through the contact us page

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